Works Cited
Hsu, Ti-Hsiang許翔迪(2003),「不同世代之工作價值觀、工作態度及其關聯性之研究---以高級科技產業之員工為例」,中壢:中原大學企業管理學研究所碩士論文。
Hsu, Tseng-Yuen徐增圓(2001),「新世代之工作價值觀、期望報酬類型暨兩者關係因素與組織承諾之關係」,台北:政治大學心理系研究所碩士論文
Ministry of Education. Challenge 2008: The plan of nation’s developing emphasis-- The Plan of cultivating Generation E. Jan. 2005- National Youth Commission. The Survey on University Graduate Students’ Employability. September, 2006.
I kind of forget how many refereces should be put on the works cited.
I guess it's six. Then I will add one or two to meet the requiremts. Actually, I've got many information from M.O.E, National Youth Commission , and so on after doint the research. Maybe they are too many to find connection and to organise together. I guess I need some help and suggestions since I am not a peroson of logic. Also, I will revise my works cited into MLA style soon!!! I know the format
above couldn't count as any style (or you could call it free style.) I am just kidding. You will see revised version of works cited sooner or later.
2 則留言:
Hahaha...Free style is killing me!
For the works cited part, yes indeed you need 6 references. And if you need help, maybe you can discuss with me! (;
emm.. good style!