Since my topic is related the sevengraders and the employers of old generations,I plan to design a questionnaire for those sevengraders who have been working and who are going to graduate from colleges, and for those employers of olders generations who have hired sevengraders as employees.
The quesitons that I might ask to sevengraders who have been working (Group1):
1.How do they think of their job?
2. Why do they chose this job?
3.Do they have any expectation for they job?
4. How do they work with thier colleague and boss?
5. What kind of reason might cause them jump to another job?
The quesitons that I might ask to sevengraders who are going to graduate from colleges (Group 2):
1. How do they think of their first job?
2. Why do they chose this job?
3.Do they have any expectation for they job?
4. How do they attact the employers to hire them?
5. What's first consideration for first job?
The quesitons that I might ask to those employers of olders generations who have hired sevengraders as employees (Group 3).
1. How do they think of sevengraders employees?
2. Do they work in a way different from other gengerations?
3. What expectations do they have for the freshman who are going to enter the job market?
4. How do they work with sevengraders employees?
5. Do they see any advantage attracting to hire them and the weakness of sevengraders preventing hiring them?
I am not sure how many people should I interview/give the questionnaire.
If I have enought time, I wish to give the questionaires to 30 people of each group.
If I don't have time, I may give the questionaires to 10 people of each group.
I will revise my questionnaire and post the final revision on my weblog. If anyone give me any suggestions about the questionnaire above, I will be very appreciated!!!
(Actually,I have found many statistics related to my topic, but Johny and Bella told me I have to gather statistic via the questionnaire that I designed. That's why it is called as" first hand data collection") I hope they are right.
1 則留言:
1. You might wanna change the subject in your questions since the questionaires should be directly read. (They-> You) Besides, it gets to be a little bit confusing when you keep using they to refer to both the interviewees and the seventh gradters.
2. I find a problem in the part that you ask the students who are going to graduate soon. That is you assume that they've already found a job, but what if they don't?