Wow, it looks like I am such a slacker! This is my first June post, so I guess I need to make it a good one.
I don't wish my RP look messy and illogical, you know. I hope it perfect. So, I keep letting time passing and keep thinking about what I am gonna do with RP all the time. Apparently, worry doesn't make any achievement or solve any problem. That's why I received the emergency email from Grace. Guess what, what's worse is that I haven’t' turned in my final draft to Doris. (Sorry!)That’s my main concern because I don't wanna do the whole horrible things again. I meant I don't wanna fail.
Well, completing my Junior Research paper would be struggling as well as posting something on my RP weblog because my achieved percentage of scheduled progress is pitifully little. I guess the main reason is that I just keep worried without facing the music. During working on my research paper, I get stuck a lot times. When I get stuck, I avoid doing it at one time, and instead, I go to watch TV or surf on the internet. I don't like the feeling of getting stuck. It's like you lose any word and inspiration to type anything on the research paper. Sounds horrible, uh? As a matter of fact, it is!
When I first work on the outline and article review, I do the research. I surf on the internet in order to get some useful information about the seventh graders in Taiwan, but most of them are written in Chinese. That makes one of my depressions. Another note, I decide to find information about the seventh graders in English, but most of them are too huge and unrelated to what I want to write about my RP. That's also depressing! So, for a long while, I keep feeling disappointed and helpless and avoid working on RP.
However, one day, Doris's words came into my brain, and I suddenly think that it's okay to use Chinese book for my works cited. So, I rush to the book store and buy "我七年級生,我不草莓".This book helps me a lot and gives me a lot of inspiration. Before reading this book, the abundant information on the internet makes me feel pixy-led and lost. They are written in Chinese and most of them are about the characteristics of the seventh graders. I was so unsure whether I want to include that in my rp. After I finished this book, I decide my main argument remove the idea of including the characteristics of the seventh graders in my RP. This decision is not easy, but it makes my RP's argument much more clear and easy! Haha. Although I am lucky enough to have this book to decide my main direction for my RP, but I also need more information. So, I go to
http://etds.ncl.edu.tw/theabs/index.jsp, and two research papers in
全國碩博士論文 gave me some inspiration for feeding my another part of RP. In addition, although I founds news about the seventh graders on the internet are quit many, they are not really convincing. I was much troubled by this information. Because they are many, giving them up makes me feel pity. However, although giving them up would mean I lose one big opportunity to feed my RP; I need to work on something more meaningful and more convincing. So, I went to Doris office (It's quite long time ago, I guess), and she taught me how to find information more convincing step by step!!!Thanksto her, I started to search information on Ministry of Education,
National Youth Commission , and
Council of Affairs 行政院勞委會, all of which are very useful for my RP. Before I receive suggestions from Doris, these websites are not definitely what I would visit for fun usually. I also get some ideas for my first hand data collection on this website and that book that I mention above.
Although I got some ideas about my first hand data collection, it's never easy for me to have my questionnaire finished!!!! Thanks to Ms. Su and Doris, I realize the design of questionnaire requires techniques. Ms. Su gave me a lot of perfect suggestions, but I think it's not easy for me to contact a company and interview the staffs. I wished I could do whatever Ms. Su suggested me to do, but I feel sorry that I could not. Anyway, when I had a conference through phone call with Doris, her suggestions are quite practical and clear and I think I can do that! It's like a light for my first hand data collection! So, by the week of my RP convention, I finished my first hand data collection. (Distributing questionnaire would also a problem for me, because I have to ask helps from school brothers and sisters and some people that I am not familiar with at all.)
Oh.. That’s one thing that I want to add. By the week of my RP convention, not only the questions worry me, but also the work-cited does. Facing the thick and gray MLA handbook, my brain went blank!! So, I was worried how to revise my works cited to look MLA. I wrote email to Doris, she was really to kind to help my revise my power point and she helped to revise my works cited in her office next morning!! Thanks to her, my works cited and PPT looked MLA and correct! She is greatest and kindest professor that I have ever met!
Since I don’t include first hand data collection in my first draft of RP, my first draft must look messy and incomplete. After I finish my 2nd draft, I also feel it’s incomplete because I do it in a rush. In order to fit my main argument, I delete two paragraphs and one table, so that means the pages of my RP D2 might be less than the first draft. I am kind worried that I wouldn’t meet the requirement. I guess the required length for Junior research paper would be like 7 to 8 pages. So, I need to try to revise the table and the two paragraphs, so that I can add them into my final draft. I really need enough length for my final draft. For the final draft, I am kind of in struggle between the coherence of idea and the length.
All in all, as you can see, my research paper is woven by Doris' much help, my brain, my struggle, tears, Grace's reminder,fun, and the passing of time!!
Anyway, although Junior RP takes me much more time than Sophomore RP, I like working on Junior RP more because I love the topic and I gain a lot of things during the process! Working on Junior RP is struggling, but NOT suffering! I had fun reading feedback from school bro and sis's questionnaire. I felt sense of achievement while using EXCEL to make some pie chart. I enjoy reading the book. I enjoy collecting the information related to my RP. I know much better about what the seventh graders think, what the bosses' expectations, and what the current economical stage need. So, be care about topic. If you work one the topic that you like, the working process would be like a heaven!